Applicants can still add themselves to any waitlist in the post-lottery period, and schools make offers according to their own capacity and policies. This list indicates where waitlists are shortest if you are seeking a space for the 2024-25 school year. If a school’s grade is listed here, it means there are fewer than ten students in “Waitlisted” status in that grade at the time of the last update. Call the My School DC Hotline at (202) 888-6336 for additional information. To learn more about how waitlists work, click HERE.
- You have a right to attend your DCPS in-boundary school in grades K-12 without an application regardless if there is a waitlist associated with it. Locate your DCPS in-boundary school HERE.
- To research any of the schools with short waitlists below, click HERE.
- For school options outside My School DC, click HERE.