2025-26 Post-lottery Application

The My School DC post-lottery application is the application used to apply to participating schools (DCPS and charter) if a family:

  1. Misses the lottery application deadlines for a given school year;
  2. Seeks to apply to additional schools*.


For the 2025-26 school year, families who missed the lottery application deadline of February 3, 2025 for grades 9-12, can submit a post-lottery application for those grades only beginning February 4, 2025. The post-lottery application expands to all grades (PK3-12) on March 4, 2024 for families who missed either of the application deadlines.


*Families who applied through the lottery are able to add schools to their existing application the day lottery results are released – March 28, 2025 – by clicking on the “Add more schools” icon located in their My School DC family account.


Post-lottery applicants are added to schools’ waitlists below lottery applicants. The only exception to this is for post-lottery applicants that qualify for a preference at a school (e.g., sibling or in-boundary) that a lottery applicant does not qualify for. Learn more about waitlists HERE.


To submit a post-lottery application for school year 2025-26, click HERE.


Questions? Read our Frequently Asked Questions about the post-lottery period HERE. Families can also call the My School DC Hotline at (202) 888-6336 or email us at [email protected].