Enrollment Requirements by School

If you received a match in the lottery or an offer off a school’s waitlist, you will need to follow the school’s enrollment procedures which include:

  1. Proving DC residency;
  2. Completing all of the school’s enrollment requirements; and
  3. Submitting up-to-date health forms


Important: If you were matched to a school in the lottery for school year 2024-25, you have until May 1, 2024 to enroll your child at their matched school. If you do not enroll your child at their matched school by that date, they may lose their space at the school. Enrolling your child at their matched school will not remove them off waitlists.


Missed the lottery application deadlines? Complete a post-lottery application today. Your child will immediately be added to the waitlists of schools you apply to. Remember that you have a right to attend your DCPS in-boundary school in grades K-12 without an application regardless if there is a waitlist associated with it. Locate your DCPS in-boundary school here


Click on a school's name below to view its enrollment requirements.


Achievement Prep PCS - Wahler Place Elementary
Amidon-Bowen Elementary School
Anacostia High School
AppleTree Early Learning PCS - Columbia Heights
AppleTree Early Learning PCS - Douglas Knoll
AppleTree Early Learning PCS - Lincoln Park
AppleTree Early Learning PCS - Oklahoma Ave
AppleTree Early Learning PCS - Parklands @ THEARC
AppleTree Early Learning PCS - Southwest
Apple Tree Early Learning PCS - Spring Valley
Apple Tree Early Learning PCS - Waterfront Station
Ballou High School
Bancroft Elementary School
Bard High School Early College DC
Barnard Elementary School
Beers Elementary School
Benjamin Banneker High School
Boone Elementary School
Breakthrough Montessori PCS
Brent Elementary School
Bridges PCS
Brightwood Elementary School
Brookland Middle School
Browne Education Campus
Bruce-Monroe Elementary School @ Park View
Bunker Hill Elementary School
Burroughs Elementary School
Burrville Elementary School
C.W. Harris Elementary School
Capital City PCS - High School
Capital City PCS - Lower School
Capital City PCS - Middle School
Capital Village PCS
Capitol Hill Montessori
Cardozo Education Campus
Cedar Tree Academy PCS 
Center City PCS - Brightwood
Center City PCS - Capitol Hill
Center City PCS - Congress Heights
Center City PCS - Petworth
Center City PCS - Shaw
Center City PCS - NOMA
Cesar Chavez PCS for Public Policy
Cleveland Elementary School
Columbia Heights Education Campus 6-8 (CHEC)
Columbia Heights Education Campus 9-12 (CHEC)
Coolidge High School
Creative Minds International PCS
DC Bilingual PCS
DC Prep PCS - Anacostia Elementary
DC Prep PCS - Anacostia Middle
DC Prep PCS - Benning Elementary
DC Prep PCS - Benning Middle
DC Prep PCS - Edgewood Elementary
DC Prep PCS - Edgewood Middle
DC Scholars PCS
DC Wildflower PCS - Blue Montessori
DC Wildflower PCS - The Riverseed School
Deal Middle School
Digital Pioneers Academy PCS - Capitol Hill
Digital Pioneers Academy PCS - Johenning
District of Columbia International School
Dorothy I. Height Elementary School
Drew Elementary School
Duke Ellington School of the Arts
Dunbar High School
E.L. Haynes PCS - Elementary School
E.L. Haynes PCS - High School
E.L. Haynes PCS - Middle School
Eagle Academy PCS - Capitol Riverfront
Eagle Academy PCS - Congress Heights
Early Childhood Academy PCS
Early College Academy at Coolidge High School
Eastern High School
Eaton Elementary School
Eliot-Hine Middle School
Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom PCS - Brookland
Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom PCS - East End
Excel Academy
Friendship PCS - Armstrong Elementary
Friendship PCS - Armstrong Middle
Friendship PCS - Blow-Pierce Elementary
Friendship PCS - Blow-Pierce Middle
Friendship PCS - Chamberlain Elementary
Friendship PCS - Chamberlain Middle
Friendship PCS - Collegiate Academy
Friendship PCS - Collegiate Online
Friendship PCS - Ideal Elementary
Friendship PCS - Ideal Middle
Friendship PCS - Online
Friendship PCS - Southeast Elementary Academy
Friendship PCS - Southeast Middle Academy
Friendship PCS - Technology Preparatory High School Academy
Friendship PCS - Woodridge Elementary
Friendship PCS - Woodridge Middle
Garfield Elementary School
Garrison Elementary School
Girls Global Academy PCS
Global Citizens PCS
H.D. Cooke Elementary School
Hardy Middle School
Harmony DC PCS - School of Excellence 
Hart Middle School
Hearst Elementary School
Hendley Elementary School
Hope Community PCS - Tolson (PLA)
Houston Elementary School
Howard University Middle School of Mathematics and Science PCS
Hyde-Addison Elementary School
I Dream PCS
Ida B. Wells Middle School
Ingenuity Prep PCS
Inspired Teaching Demonstration PCS
J.O. Wilson Elementary School
Jackson-Reed High School
Janney Elementary School
Jefferson Middle School Academy
John Lewis Elementary School
Johnson Middle School
KIPP DC - Arts and Technology Academy PCS
KIPP DC - College Preparatory PCS
KIPP DC - Connect Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Discover Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Grow Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Heights Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Honor Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Inspire Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Lead Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Legacy College Preparatory PCS
KIPP DC - Northeast Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Pride Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Promise Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Quest Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Spring Academy PCS
KIPP DC - Valor Academy PCS
Kelly Miller Middle School
Ketcham Elementary School
Key Elementary School
Kimball Elementary School
King Elementary School
Kramer Middle School
LaSalle-Backus Elementary School
Lafayette Elementary School
Langdon Elementary School
Langley Elementary School
Latin American Montessori Bilingual (LAMB) PCS
Leckie Education Campus
Lee Montessori PCS - Brookland
Lee Montessori PCS - East End
Lorraine H. Whitlock Elementary School
Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School
MacArthur High School
MacFarland Middle School
Malcolm X Elementary School @ Green
Mann Elementary School
Marie Reed Elementary School
Mary McLeod Bethune Day Academy PCS
Maury Elementary School
Maya Angelou Public Charter School
McKinley Middle School
McKinley Technology High School
Meridian Public Charter School - Elementary School
Meridian Public Charter School - Middle School
Military Road Early Learning Center
Miner Elementary School
Monument Academy PCS
Moten Elementary School
Mundo Verde Bilingual PCS - Calle Ocho Campus
Mundo Verde Bilingual PCS - J.F. Cook Campus
Murch Elementary School
Nalle Elementary School
Noyes Elementary School
Oyster-Adams Bilingual School
Patterson Elementary School
Paul PCS - International High School
Paul PCS - Middle School
Payne Elementary School
Peabody Elementary School
Perry Street Preparatory PCS
Phelps Architecture, Construction, and Engineering High School
Plummer Elementary School
Powell Elementary School
Randle Highlands Elementary School
Raymond Elementary School
Richard Wright PCS for Journalism and Media Arts
Rocketship Infinity Community Prep
Rocketship Legacy Prep PCS
Rocketship Rise Academy PCS
Ron Brown College Preparatory High School
Roosevelt High School
Roots PCS
Ross Elementary School
SEED Public Charter School of Washington DC
Savoy Elementary School
School Without Walls @ Francis-Stevens
School Without Walls High School
Seaton Elementary School
Sela PCS
Shepherd Elementary School
Shining Stars Montessori Academy PCS
Simon Elementary School
Smothers Elementary School
Social Justice PCS
Sousa Middle School
Stanton Elementary School
Statesmen College Preparatory Academy for Boys PCS
Stevens Early Learning Center
Stoddert Elementary School
Stuart-Hobson Middle School
Takoma Elementary School
The Children's Guild DC Public Charter School
The Sojourner Truth PCS
Thomas Elementary School
Thomson Elementary School
Thurgood Marshall Academy PCS
Truesdell Elementary School
Tubman Elementary School
Turner Elementary School
Two Rivers PCS at 4th Street
Two Rivers PCS at Young Elementary School
Two Rivers PCS at Young Middle School
Tyler Elementary School
Van Ness Elementary School
Walker-Jones Education Campus
Washington Global Public Charter School
Washington Latin PCS - Middle School
Washington Latin PCS - Upper School
Washington Latin PCS - Cooper Campus
Washington Leadership Academy PCS
Washington Yu Ying PCS
Watkins Elementary School
Wheatley Education Campus
Whittier Elementary School
Woodson High School