Stanton Elementary School
Stanton Elementary School
Cathy Lewis-Butler
[email protected]
Learn more about special education feeder patterns in DCPS
This school offers Early Action guaranteed PK3 and PK4. Learn more HERE.
8:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
4:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.After care availableContact school for details
Our school strives to provide a high-quality learning experience through a nurturing environment in order to achieve systemic changes in society that result in excellence and equity for all. Our Vision is to become a great school recognized for being an inclusive and supportive learning environment that provides tools and sets the standards for becoming a productive citizen in a global society. This school also offers Head Start. Head Start programming offered to all PreK students includes: - Parent classes, leadership, & training - Intensive case management and mental health support - Uniform assistance
Restorative Justice Program
STEM Focus
FUNdations, Chess Club, Yoga, Girl Scouts, Literacy Lab
• Stanton was the 2017 DCPS Award for Excellence in Family Engagement for its work building a partnership between families and teachers
• Stanton is the proud home of The Boy's Institute, whose mission is to develop young men committed to lives characterized by hope and self-discipline.
• Stanton scholars participate in a variety of sports, clubs and extracurriculars
Learn more about this school’s DC CAPE (previously known as PARCC and DC Science) results by visiting the DC School Report Card website.
- 98% Black/African-American
- <1% Asian
- 2% Hispanic / Latino
- <1% Native American / Alaska Native
- <1% Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
- <1% White non-Hispanic
- <1% Multiracial