Joshua Lichtenstein
[email protected]
BASIS DC will offer Equitable Access designated seats in the lottery.
8:20a.m.- 3:40p.m.
7:30a.m.-8:20a.m.3:40p.m.- 5:30p.m.
Before and after care availableNo Cost; Fee-based; Sliding Scale/VouchersContact school for details
Not RequiredThe BASIS Academic Program is an internationally benchmarked and accelerated science and liberal arts curriculum, guided by passionate teachers providing an enriching community, built on the principle of student accountability. BASIS students learn that hard work and rigorous expectations produce the highest levels of excellence.
Advanced Placement
Interscholastic Sports
Restorative Justice Program
Science Olympiad; Soccer; Middle and High School Boys and Girls Cross Country; Tae Kwondo; Certamen; Model UN; Debate; GSA; National Honors Society
• BASIS DC has 100% acceptance into 4 year colleges and universities, with an average merit scholarship of $150,000 per student.
• We have city-wide competitive athletics including District champion scholar athletes in soccer, baseball, cross country, and track and field.
• Our school's AP pass rate is higher than the city, national, and international pass rates. We are in the top 5 schools in the District for PARCC.
Learn more about this school’s DC CAPE (previously known as PARCC and DC Science) results by visiting the DC School Report Card website.
- 19% Black/African-American
- 7% Asian
- 10% Hispanic / Latino
- <1% Native American / Alaska Native
- <1% Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
- 49% White non-Hispanic
- 15% Multiracial