Early College Academy at Coolidge High School
Early College Academy at Coolidge High School
Doris Dabney
[email protected]
Learn more about special education feeder patterns in DCPS
This is one of eight DCPS selective high schools and programs that have specific admissions requirements and selection criteria. Click HERE to learn more.
8:45 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
The mission of Calvin Coolidge High School is to provide its students with the opportunity to develop the academic, social and emotional skills necessary to make a smooth transition from high school to a post-secondary educational institution.
Advanced Placement
Arts Integration
Blended Learning
Career and Technical Education
Dual College Enrollment
Interscholastic Sports
Student Government, Mock Trial, JROTC, Media Plus, Art Club Colts Book Club, Modeling Team, Key Club, Ski Club, Interscholastic Sports
• Unique program where students can earn up to 60 transferable college credits.
• Holistic selection process prioritizing access to early college experience for all types of students.
• Enhanced student and family support through partnerships with DC colleges and community based organizations.
Learn more about this school’s DC CAPE (previously known as PARCC and DC Science) results by visiting the DC School Report Card website.
- 56% Black/African-American
- <1% Asian
- 42% Hispanic / Latino
- <1% Native American / Alaska Native
- <1% Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
- <1% White non-Hispanic
- 1% Multiracial