Global Citizens PCS

Global Citizens PCS

Public Charter School

4095 MINNESOTA AVENUE NE 202-221-6400

Chloe Jonas
[email protected]

This school offers a Chinese language program and a Spanish language program. You may apply to one or both.

8:15 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

7:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m.
3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Before and after care availableFee-basedContact school for details

Not Required
Global Citizens PCS

Our mission is to inspire and prepare the next generation of global citizens by supporting students to reach their full academic and leadership potential in a nurturing learning environment. We will immerse students in the Mandarin and Spanish languages, Global Citizens Public Charter School is the first dual language immersion elementary school in Washington, DC, to offer language immersion in both Mandarin-English and Spanish-English - the top three languages spoken in the world.

Dual Language/Immersion
Extended Day
Restorative Justice Program
School Garden

Health & Physical Education, Art

• Bilingual Education in Chinese-English and Spanish-English with a focus on social justice and whole child wellness
• First school to offer dual language immersion in Chinese to students east of the Anacostia River
• An emphasis on inclusion, restorative practices, and intervention in all grades


Learn more about this school by visiting the DC School Report Card .

  • 80%  Black/African-American
  • 2%  Asian
  • 9%  Hispanic / Latino
  • <1%  Native American / Alaska Native
  • <1%  Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
  • 3%  White non-Hispanic
  • 4%  Multiracial

This school has multiple lottery options, please visit the historic waitlist page HERE for detailed data.
Federal and District law require equal access to services for students with special education needs and English Language Learners. For additional information, please contact the Office of the State Superintendent of Education at (202) 727-6436 or at [email protected].

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Ward 7
U4, U7, V7, V2, V8, X2, X9
Minnesota Ave