Noyes Elementary School
Noyes Elementary School
Crystal James
[email protected]
Learn more about special education feeder patterns in DCPS
This school offers Early Action guaranteed PK3 and PK4. Learn more HERE.
8:45 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
3:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m.Before and after care availableContact school for details
Noyes Elementary is a member of President Obama's Turnaround Arts (TA) program. Our teachers use art strategies to help students better understand core content. We offer arts-themed student clubs including drum ensemble, robotics, theater, and dance. As a result of this partnership, 97% of our students would recommend Noyes to a friend.
Arts Integration
Blended Learning
Extended Day
STEM Focus
Drama Club, Debate Team, Gardening Club
• We are a Turnaround Arts partner school that infuses art and music instruction throughout our school day.
• Our students' PARCC proficiency increased 5% in ELA and 10% in math last school year.
• We are focusing on social-emotional learning this year using daily Morning Meetings and Second Step lessons.
Learn more about this school’s DC CAPE (previously known as PARCC and DC Science) results by visiting the DC School Report Card website.
- 76% Black/African-American
- <1% Asian
- 19% Hispanic / Latino
- <1% Native American / Alaska Native
- <1% Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
- 3% White non-Hispanic
- <1% Multiracial